Saturday, May 12, 2007

A new Season begins

We're entering a new season in the life of our family and I have a feeling this one is going to last a long time! You guessed it, t-ball season has started! Abigail and Joshua are on the same team this year, the "Red Birds". Joshua was so excited last night that he laid out his uniform on the floor perfectly. This morning he was up at 6 am wanting to know if it was time to go to his game. He had his cleats on before breakfast and couldn't wait to get out the door. Abigail wasn't as excited to go. She thought the pants were itchy and her socks were bothering her. But once she got to the field she was ready. They both did a great job. Joshua was doing his, "Hey batter-batter" chant and Abigail was in her ready position, just like daddy taught her. Joshua loves to slide and was so proud that he got his pants dirty he had to come show me. Technically this was a pre-season game (we don't even have our shirts yet) but nevertheless it was fun for all. Little Josiah was so excited about all the cheering that he was giggling and clapping too, maybe he thought everyone was clapping for him...soon enough and he'll be out there too!


*love2scrap* said...

yep, I'd say this season is going to last foooorevvvvver :-)

I didn't know you blogged, susie! cool!

Peggy said...

Too fun!!! Break out the sunscreen, Mommy, this is the first of many baseball seasons to come! Michael never wanted to take off his team shirt and hat :-)