Sunday, May 24, 2009

I blinked...and 8 years went by

My sweet little Abigail is 8 years old today. When she was a baby I often wondered what she would be like. It is so awesome to watch our children develop over the years. Abigail is such an interesting kiddo. She's smart and does great in school and she also has a creative side. She loves to color, paint and make crafts. She likes to be a leader, like her daddy but at times can be very sensitive and emotional like her mommy. She is our pokey little puppy and does not liked to be rushed. She would rather stay inside and play then go outside and participate in sports. And yet when she's at her softball games she really enjoys herself. She can be a complicated kiddo at times and I am starting to wonder what she will be like in her teenage years??? Most importantly I desire for her to be a girl with Godly character. I'm praying that the things we are trying to instill in her now will penetrate her heart and steer her in the way she should go in the years to come.
The name Abigail means "The joy of my father" and I loved the name ever since I heard a sermon preached on the story of Abigail and Nabal from I Samuel 25. I hope that my Abigail will be like Abigail in the Bible and not only bring joy to her earthly parents but also bring joy to her Heavenly Father in all she does and says. I love you Abigail!

No more tears

Since birth, basically, Chloe has not liked to have her hair washed, combed, or done. She cries every time I brush it and tries to avoid any attempt to put it up. I've been saying for a while that I wanted to cut it but couldn't convince myself or Bob to actually go through with it. This weekend we took the plunge and just chopped it. It was long and gorgeous but now it's short and so cute. She looks like a little pixie. :) I think the new style will keep everyone happy and if we decide we don't like it short...we'll just grow it back out.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The brave and the cautious

Today was the school field trip to Cliff's Amusement Park. Since Bob is out of town I asked our friend Mr. Mike to come along to hang with Joshua. It was a good thing too because Joshua and Abigail couldn't be more different on ride selection. Abigail was totally happy riding the little, less intimidating rides like the scrambler, the tea cups, the bumper cars and the swings. While Joshua went on all the roller coasters, the ride that goes way up and then drops you and everything else that seems on the more adventurous side. When I was a kid I loved all the big rides. I used to go to the parking lot carnival near our house all the time with my brother and sister and we rode all those crazy rides that have you spinning and going upside down. Something happened to me in my 20's and suddenly they weren't fun anymore. What is that? The best part about today for me was just watching their faces and seeing them laugh so much. It was a great time and now we're all ready to hit the sack! Good times in the sun wipe me out!

twinkle, twinkle little bat...

So last night I split up the boys because they were too giggly and wouldn't go to sleep. I put Joshua in my bed and told him he had to stay there until Josiah was asleep. I didn't think it would take long and didn't think Joshua would actually fall asleep. A little while later I checked on Josiah and he was fast asleep so I went to get Joshua and put him back in his bed. This is how I found asleep. It was so funny I ran and got the camera and was crossing my fingers that he wouldn't wake up before I got back. He was totally gone. It's almost as funny as Keith falling asleep in his taco!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

Ask Mary about this picture :)

Today my sweet friend Margaret had a "Favorite Things" party for the ladies at church. We had such a nice time together talking about our favorite things, eating some of our favorite things, and the little girls got to make some new favorite things. Margaret asked me to share what my favorite thing about Albuquerque was, what activity did I enjoy most? My answer was Tent Rocks, which you've probably seen pictures of before if you've been following my blog for any amount of time. But the question got me thinking...What will I remember most about my three years in Albuquerque? The answer is easy, I will remember my Albuquerque family, my church family. This is truly a remarkable group of people who didn't waste any time in making us feel a part of them. I am amazed over and over again when I consider how this little congregation loves one another and cares for each others needs. This is the most loving body of belivers I have ever been a part of and I am very sad to be leaving them. I am so thankful that God brought us here and our family has been blessed beyond measure during our time with them. These wonderful people took care of me and the children while Bob was deployed and continue to be a precious source of support and encouragement to us. The kids have always had willing and ready volunteers to attend their school performances, grandparent days, and other celebrations. I am so thankful for this body of Christ who live out their faith by serving one another and even though we have to leave them, I know we will always be a part of them and they will always be a part of us!
"When the dog bites, when the bees sting, when I'm feeling sad. I'll simply remember my favorite things and then I won't feel, so bad."

Graduation Day

On Thursday Joshua graduated from K5 and Chloe graduated from K4. Their classes put on a fabulous program and as soon as we figure out how to get the video from the tape to the computer I'll share it with you. But for now pictures will have to do. :)
We are so very proud of both Joshua and Chloe. Joshua has changed so much during this school year. Most importantly he has become a great reader! It's really wonderful to hear him reading Bible memory verses and following along in the Hymnal when we sing at church. Chloe is also reading short words and doing a great job with it. She got awards for Bible and Phonics. The K4 and K5 teachers had only good things to say about Chloe and Joshua which is such a blessing to us. It just makes a mama feel good when the teacher tells you that your child is well behaved, obedient and kind at school...sometimes I wonder, can it really be true? But God is gracious and in spite of all our failures as parents we are praying that all our children will love Him most of all and live lives that will bring glory to God. CONGRATULATIONS Joshua and Chloe! We love you!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Abigail show continues...

So you might be wondering what happened to our other 3 kids because I've been posting so much about Abigail...and this post is no exception. Abigail performed in the school spring concert and I just thought I'd share one of the songs with you. But don't fret, Chloe and Joshua have a graduation ceremony coming up soon and we'll be sure to do a great post of them performing too. And we'll have to catch Josiah doing something fabulous too. :)