Sunday, May 24, 2009

I blinked...and 8 years went by

My sweet little Abigail is 8 years old today. When she was a baby I often wondered what she would be like. It is so awesome to watch our children develop over the years. Abigail is such an interesting kiddo. She's smart and does great in school and she also has a creative side. She loves to color, paint and make crafts. She likes to be a leader, like her daddy but at times can be very sensitive and emotional like her mommy. She is our pokey little puppy and does not liked to be rushed. She would rather stay inside and play then go outside and participate in sports. And yet when she's at her softball games she really enjoys herself. She can be a complicated kiddo at times and I am starting to wonder what she will be like in her teenage years??? Most importantly I desire for her to be a girl with Godly character. I'm praying that the things we are trying to instill in her now will penetrate her heart and steer her in the way she should go in the years to come.
The name Abigail means "The joy of my father" and I loved the name ever since I heard a sermon preached on the story of Abigail and Nabal from I Samuel 25. I hope that my Abigail will be like Abigail in the Bible and not only bring joy to her earthly parents but also bring joy to her Heavenly Father in all she does and says. I love you Abigail!


Peggy said...

Happy 8th Birthday, Abigail!!! You have been in our thoughts and prayers today. Hugs and birthday kisses, Grammie and Poppy

Kacie said...

Wow. Eight?! I still remember coming over to your house when you were pregnant and we looked through a beautiful bag of clothes someone had just given you. I can't believe it's been eight years. Happy Birthday!