Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Kindergarten Graduation

Friday night was Abigail's graduation from kindergarten! We had a great night! The kids did a Disney themed program with singing and speaking parts and then they all went and put on their caps and gowns and received diplomas. Abigail was so cute...she wouldn't look at us as she walked up the asile, I guess she has a little shyness in her after all. It's amazing to us how much she has learned and changed this year. We're so thankful for her time at Temple Baptist (her teachers did the hard part of teaching her how to read!) and next year will be a whole new adventure.


Peggy said...

Abigail, you look so grown up in your cap and gown! Congratulations! We love you! Grammie and Poppy

Jennifer said...

Congratulations, Abigail!