Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I never thought I'd say it...

We're going to homeschool next year...The whole homschooling thing has been an issue with me since I was pregnant with Abigail. Bob would bring it up as an option that we may have to consider in the future and I was totally against it. I would be in tears. I'm not totally sure why I felt so strongly that I didn't want to do it but I did. I really liked school and I wanted my kids to go. Maybe being a teacher had something to do with it...I don't know. I always said that God would have to change my heart if we were ever going to homeschool. Well, here we are 6 years later and we have decided to homeschool the children next year; and amazingly enough, I'm okay with it. I guess God's been softening my heart towards it all along. It's all in His timing.
Abigail has loved Temple Baptist this year and we have loved her teachers. It's not that we are at all disappointed in the school. We are at the point where we are committed to a Christian education for the kids, whether that be in a school or at home. We have just decided that for a few years we will homeschool to save money. When Josiah is old enough to be in school I may try to get a job at the school where the kids attend. We'll see how it goes. It's hard since we don't know where we'll be and what kind of schools there will be.
So right now we're trying to decide which curriculum to use. I'm leaning toward Sonlight. Bob and I both like the fact that it's literature based and I like that it is very organized and comes with EVERYTHING you need! The kids are excited to go to "mommy's school" and I'm actually getting excited too. It's fun to get back into planning and I have so many ideas. I'm also looking forward to getting involved in a homeschool group for field trips and other activities.
I think it's going to be a great year! :)

1 comment:

*love2scrap* said...

i LOVED sonlight when I only had one to really teach... the more kids I had, the harder it was to assimilate it to the different learning types we had in the mix. I will fully support (emotionally, that is) you in that purchase! WOOHOO!