Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mama said there'd be days like this...

This morning started out great. I got Abigail off to school and I was back home trying to get a few things done before going out again to run errands. I was just getting done with the vacuuming when Chloe came to me and told me that Josiah made a big mess. I went into the other room and found an empty bottle of rubbing alcohol then I saw Josiah and his shirt was all wet. I immediately called poison control and was told to take him to the ER because I didn't know how much he ingested. I loaded Joshua, Chloe and Josiah up and headed for the ER. It seemed pretty serious when we got there because they got us right in, but Josiah was acting totally normal so I wasn't too panicked at this point. They put in an IV port in case they would need it later and drew blood. This was the WORST. Of course Josiah was crying and I was crying too. The nurse kept asking, "Mom, are you okay?" All I could do was nod yes, my poor baby was in pain. After at least 3 hours of waiting for blood test results the doctor came in and told us that everything was fine. There was NO alcohol in his blood! I'm thinking he might have put it to his mouth and got a yucky taste and then dumped the rest. I'm so thankful that my little guy is okay! Praise God!
On my way home from picking up Abigail from school I almost ran out of gas and then my check engine light came on, which always makes me nervous, and it always seems to happen when Bob is out of town! Why is that? Needless to say, I'm feeling drained. I need chocolate and my husband! Since I can't have my husband right now chocolate will have to do.
PS - I do keep my cleaners and such locked up...the rubbing alcohol was an oversight, in the bathroom cupboard from cleaning umbilical cord stumps. Just so you don't think I'm totally irresponsible.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad he's okay! Kids are sure to endanger themselves one way or another throughout childhood (and beyond!). Praise God that He watches over our little ones! Definitley a story for the baby book!