Saturday, March 3, 2007

Motherhood is not for the squimish!

It all started this morning with a diaper explosion. Poor little Josiah's diaper was so full that it exploded leaving his zip up sleeper full of the little gel pellets that are the filling of a diaper. Of course these little gel things have expanded in size because they are full of urine. As a side note this diaper explosion phenomenon has never happened when I use Pampers but this month I decided to buy the 200 ct box of Huggies from Costco, and Luv's are the worst, they explode like every night! It's strictly Pampers from here on out!! So anyway, I tried to keep the urine filled gel pellet mess contained and put my poor baby in the tub. All the while I'm trying to make sure the other kids are ready for gymnastics. So while Josiah was playing in the tub, I called Abigail in so I could brush her teeth and do her hair. All of a sudden Josiah started crying and was trying to climb out of the tub. I was only 2 feet away but I had been talking to Abigail so I didn't see what Josiah had done. Well, he had gone buckey (this is Bob's word for a bowel movement) in the tub and to my horror it was on his fingers and....his lips! AGHHHHHHHH! I washed off his hand and mouth and immediately began brushing his teeth. Then I thought, "Should I call poison control?" But decided that this probably didn't fit into their area of expertise. I think the tooth brushing made Josiah feel better because he stopped crying. I got him dressed and got him a drink. Then I emptied the tub and refilled it with hot water and bleach. At this point I had to rush out the door to get to gymnastics. This is not the first time there has been an "incident" in the tub, in fact I can recall a few times it has happened but this was the worst by far. Needless to say, I don't think there will be any lasting effect on my little guy, as long as I don't tell him what happened!

1 comment:

kcolquitt said... on all diapers but pampers. i had a thing of huggies for the first week of jaxon's life and they couldn't hold a cup of water. we've been on pampers ever since. AND (i'm sure you know this) we order from and have them shipped to us. it's awesome, no lugging giant boxes around the store. ps. i'm summer's sister.