Thursday, March 22, 2007

Just put on a happy face

Some times things get wacky around here and there's not much I can do about it, so I just laugh. Here are some examples:
1. The other morning I was doing Abigail's hair before school. We were in our small but sufficient bathroom. I think Joshua, pretending to be some species of large cat, growled at Josiah so he came running into the bathroom crying, wanting to be held. I set him up on the counter and stood in front of him and continued on with my braiding. Just then Chloe rolls in with her baby stroller and pushes past me and Abigail and starts talking or singing or something. And not far behind was Joshua, the wild beast/jungle cat, growling and jumping at me. As I watched this little scene it just struck me as funny and I started laughing. All I wanted to do was put some braids in Abigail's hair and it had turned into a 3 ring circus. WACKY!
2. Today I had the chance to exercise and afterward I had set the kids up with a video and I hopped into the shower. Just as I was rinsing my shampoo Chloe bursts in and says, "I have to go pee pee potty!" I peeked out of the shower and I could tell she wasn't going to be able to wait long. She started walking out to go to the kids bathroom and I told her to just stay and go on mommy's toilet. So here I am, dripping wet, leaning out of the shower trying to get Chloe on the potty before she has an accident. She just made it up on the toilet! Whew! But I had to laugh.
3. This one is not so much funny but it did make me smile. The other day Joshua asked me when I was going away. I told him I wasn't going away and he seemed happy about that. Then he said that he never wanted to go away from me...that he wanted to stay with mommy and daddy. He didn't want to grow up and leave home. I tried to explain to him that kids grow up and they want to start a family of their own. He adamantly told me that he never wanted to do that. I remember having the same conversation with my mother when I was a little girl. I never wanted to "leave the nest". I guess it's a normal feeling for a small child, but still it made me feel good and brought a smile to my face.

Sunday at church we were reminded that we need to thank God for our children more often. These funny little things that happen every day remind me of how thankful I am for my little blessings and even though at times it may be stressful or wacky I need to remember to put on my happy face.

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