Sunday, March 4, 2007

Inquiring minds want to know

This morning Abigail said, "I just don't understand....who got this whole thing started?" I responded, "Who got what thing started?" She said, "Who made God, where did He come from?" We've taught the children that God has always existed and will always exist but Abigail is trying to wrap her mind around this concept and it's tough. I remember wondering when I was a kid what God did before He created the universe. What a challenge it is to give our children good answers to these kinds of questions. It's humbling when I feel that I haven't been able articulate the truth to my children in a way they understand. At times like this I'm reminded to pray all the more for them, that God will give them knowledge and understanding of His word and faith to believe what they learn from it.


Peggy said...

I think Abigail asked a good question. Not so much the question itself, but what she asked shows she's thinking about what she's been taught and heard. she's looking around herself and saying God created these things I see...hey, if He created this, then who created Him?? Good thought processes, Abigail! Oops, that's probably the proud grandmother speaking here. She's not just parroting what she's learned, but she's analyzing the statements. She's asking questions that we each have to deal with in faith, realizing that as a human being with a finite mind we're never going to be able to wrap our minds around who God is! If we could, He wouldn't be God! His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts. This is where I'd say to Abigail that this is a mystery to me too, but it will one day be revealed when we stand in God's presence and we see and understand clearly. Until then, Abigail, we believe in faith.

Unknown said...

That is really neat that she is asking those kind of questions. The kids liked looking at the pics of your three. In our picture they are just being silly- Jeremy likes to take those kind.