Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Juniper Breeze

I'm kinda thinking that the fragrance "Juniper Breeze" at Bath and Body Works isn't a hot seller this spring. So many people here are sneezing and sniffling because of the juniper, it just couldn't be seen in a positive light. Personally I've always liked the more flowery smells anyway but the last few days have increased my dislike for the Juniper Breeze. One day last week I was fixing dinner and I started sneezing. I immediately rummaged through the cupboard to find some Zyrtek. Even though I've been taking it every day I'm still having sinus pain. UGH. I've been told that sometimes it takes a few years after you move here for your body to respond to the stuff in the air, I guess I don't have to wait. Lucky me.


Jennifer said...

Juniper berries are a natural bug repellant, so there is something positive about them. Maybe all of the bugs are sniffling and sneezing, too! :)

Summer said...

Haha--I LOVED J.B. in high school.

Edie Guess said...

How funny - never thought about how it is a fragrant scent - it just makes me miserable!!