Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Remember the show American Gladiator? I used to watch it really late at night when I was a teenager. Well last Friday my dear husband had the opportunity to have the gladiator experience. They had a jousting competition at SOS. If you watched the show you'll recall that for the Joust 2 competitors would stand on top of pedestals and hit each other with giant q-tip like sticks until one of them fell off. So my husband, Mr. Competition, won the whole thing! I wish I could have been there to see it! I think my new nick name for him will be "Nitro".


Kacie said...

Way to go Bob! I love your new nickname. American Gladiators was the best!


kcolquitt said...

i used to want to be "Lacy". she wore a suped up wonderwoman costume. yikes!