Thursday, March 1, 2007


I'm headed to my Weight Watcher meeting tomorrow and thought I'd just share a few of the inspiring thoughts that I keep around my house to help me in my on going battle against eating too much chocolate.

  • Action comes BEFORE motivation
  • Nothing tastes as good as thin feels
  • None of the answers to life's problems are behind the door of my refrigerator


Edie Guess said...

YEA! I hope you can do better at keeping up with your blog _UNLIKE me! Poor b - he lost his teeth so long ago and that is my current post STILL! Maybe you will be my inspiration!

kcolquitt said...

I keep a jar of chocolate chips in my kitchen, and i eat them. chocolate has endorphines, endorphines make you happy, happy mommies are better mommies. eat up. (plus chocolate is full of powerful antioxidants which help reduce all sorts of cancers)