Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How teachable am I?

In my devotions today I was reading about being receptive to the truth. J.I. Packer says, "...the Spirit works through our diligence, not our laziness. Understanding what God's written Word means for me comes through seeing what it meant when it was first put on paper and applying that to ourselves." This struck me because there are times when I feel I am just rushing through my study time so that I can check it off my list of things that need to be done; like doing the dishes or vacuuming. I'm more concerned about saying that I did it than I am about reading and understanding what God is saying to me and what I need to do to apply that to my life. I must pray, "Teach my your decrees." (Psalm 119:12) asking God for teaching and teachableness!
Packer gives 3 questions to ask during Bible study that I think are helpful:
1. What does this passage tell me about God? His character, power and purpose; His work, will and ways in creation, providence and grace?
2. What does this passage tell me about people? the human situation, man's possibilities, privileges, problems, right and wrong ways of living, man in sin, and man in grace?
3. What is all this showing me and saying to me about myself and my own life?

Let us be diligent and teachable in our study of the Word of God!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Amen to that prayer for my own life! Thanks for your wise words.