Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mirror, mirror

In this month's Family Fun magazine there was a page entitled "Mother's Wisdom" for readers to share treasured advice from their mothers. One reader wrote this, "The best advice I received from another mom was to imagine that each of my boys has a mirror on his forehead so that I'll always be mindful of what he is seeing. Times that I'm frustrated by the thousandth request or fight, I remind myself of that little mirror and check to make sure that my sons are seeing a face of patience and love."
I know that my face is not always one of patience and love and this is a good thought to keep in my head as I go through my day. As a Christian I could take it one step further and ask myself if I am reflecting Christ to my children as I speak to them and interact with them throughout each day. It's not an easy thing to do, especially when I get frustrated, but it's times like those when I need to have even more control of myself that I might be an example of righteousness for my little ones.


Peggy said...

Wow! -- now there's a word picture that will stick in my head. It doesn't just apply to mothers of small boys :-)

Kacie said...

Thanks for this Susie. What an awesome reminder. It really hit home for me yesterday.

Edie Guess said...

did you get the april issue? on page 40 - the whole page is dedicated to Brents brother's family!