Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How big is Josiah? So Big...

Yesterday my baby boy was 18 months old. It's hard to believe a year and a half has gone by since he arrived. And it's amazing to see how he's grown and developed in that time. Another amazing thing is that this is the longest I've gone without getting pregnant since Bob and I have been married! CRAZY!
Here are some things I have found myself saying recently to my sweet but curious little 18 month old.
"Josiah no climbing in the dishwasher" He was actually inside!
"No Josiah, we don't eat out of the trash can!"
"Where's Josiah? Is the bathroom door shut?" Then I find him in the bathroom splashing in the toilet.
"Josiah, we don't throw our food when we're all done. Mommy will take it."
Even though there are times when I feel like I just can't keep up with him, he always manages to bring a smile to my face. I'm so thankful for my sweet baby boy!

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