Friday, September 7, 2007

I've been tagged

I think most of us know the "rules" of this game...
Here's 10 facts about me
1. I like to sleep with the covers over my head in the winter. I just leave a little tunnel to breathe.
2. I generally don't eat fruits and veggies. I have gotten better over the years with salads but just to eat some green beans...NOPE.
3. I got run over by a car in the 4th grade and broke my left leg. I think the poor lady who hit me was more traumatized than I was and it was all my fault for not crossing the street at an intersection.
4. I was on the pom pon squad all through high school. This is totally different than cheerleading, in case you were wondering. We did routines to music during half time, no cheering involved.
5. I taught special education in Parchment, MI for 2 years.
6. My license was revoked while I was in college for having too many tickets. That was a bummer!
7. When I'm pregnant I enjoy a regular diet of ramen noodles, cheetos, swiss cake rolls and coke. Oh and root beer floats at night!
8. I went sky diving for my 18th birthday...and not tandem. I jumped all by myself! I have a video if you'd ever like to see it. :)
9. Currently I have an addiction to mini marshmellows.
10. I'm blessed beyond measure!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew them all except the covers- I do that sometimes, too. I just hate waking up with a cold nose!