Tuesday, September 4, 2007

If it's not one thing, it's another

So today I thought I'd try doing our homeschooling in the afternoon while Josiah is napping. Then I don't have to worry about keeping him busy while we get things done. I think it was very successful as far as Josiah is concerned but Abigail's attitude just wasn't fabulous. I think she does better in the morning...just getting to it and getting it done. Maybe she would get used to it? Now I'm not sure which way to go...who do I cater to? Better for Abigail to school in the morning or better for Josiah to school in the afternoon. What's a mommy to do? We did get through everything this afternoon and I did enjoy the time we had alone together while all the other kids were having rest time. I think I'm going to try it again and see if she can get used to it. Maybe it will just end up being a hodgepodge of sometimes morning instruction and sometimes afternoon instruction and sometimes a little here and a little there. After all, "Flexibility is the key to Air Power!"
Tonight we went to Cold Stone (Thanks HJB) and the kids loved it. The littles got cake batter ice cream with gummy bears, Abigail got cotton candy ice cream with gummy bears and Joshua got cotton candy ice cream with sprinkles. It was a fun treat! I refrained...I can hardly believe I was able to resist! But I came home and had a Weight Watchers fudge bar...doesn't quite compare to Cold Stone but I'll be okay. I had enough treats over the weekend to last me a while, at least until Friday! :)


Kacie said...

You've been tagged. Check it out here:

*love2scrap* said...

no WAY - you passed up real ice cream for fake stuff?????


that is called will power. ps, I have none.