Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Being the mother of boys

Being the mother of boys always keeps you on your toes! I know I only have two boys and there are many mothers out there who have more (bless you ladies), but they sure do keep me hopping. In recent days I have found Josiah in the refrigerator eating the sticks of butter, more than once! This has prompted me to buy a fridge lock. Then I caught him on the stool pulling the books off the higher shelves. Those ones MUST have looked more interesting than the ones on the lower shelves. And I do believe it was just yesterday that I found him on the top bunk with several of Abigail's flavored lip glosses, he was eating those too. Not to mention the countless times each day that I find him on the kitchen and bathroom counters playing in the sinks. Oh and in the bathroom he likes to eat toothpaste too. I definitely see an eating pattern here! I guess he's still in the "oral stage".
Then there's Joshua...if he's not climbing on me like I'm a tree, he's actually in a tree. Two weeks ago at church one of the kids came and got me and told me that he was stuck in a tree. Was he ever! He was ALL the way up the tree and could not get down. An older boy started helping and I asked for the help of one of the dads who came just in time because Joshua lost his footing and was hanging. The dad caught him and all was well but I've fully prepared myself for the day when he falls and we have to head to the ER for a broken bone. Joshua is also very much into building forts, popping wheelies on his bike and scooter, climbing fences, and today he came up with the bicycle trailer/wagon idea. He tied the wagon to his bike and was pulling the girls behind him. The only major drawback of this idea was stopping. He would stop fast and the girls would get whipped around. It was enough to make the mama's heart beat faster but no one was hurt. I should just make them all wear helmets at all times. Maybe body armor wouldn't hurt either. I know that it's all been done before...and most kids do make it to adulthood. Some days I just wonder where do they come up with this stuff?


Beek's Fam said...

Sounds like they sure do keep you on your toes! I liked how Josiah eats butter. How silly! Give them all hugs and kisses from us.

Dad and Mom O said...

Susie, We have raised all 3 of the boys , your hubby Bob and Don and James. Consider the source of the problem the genes. The boys have done all of the same things. I know that they miss their Dad and that affects the boys at this age than the girls. We have pictures of Bob doing these same things. Love Dad and Mom O