Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our first days of school

I stayed up until midnight on Sunday night making sure I was ready for the first day of school. So much for going to bed by 10 pm to be well rested! I read a book called "Managers of Their Homes" over the summer. It's all about scheduling and I love it. So I have the day scheduled in half hour increments for every person. Our first day of school went pretty well, with only a few bumps in the road (Chloe dumped mixed berry applesauce on the carpet during lunch and Josiah didn't want to stay in his crib during his "crib time" so he climbed out). Overall I was pleasantly surprised. I thought, "One day down, 179 to go!" Today was another story. The kids wouldn't go to sleep last night so they were up until almost 9 pm. I spent from 9 pm to 10 pm preparing for today so I felt like my entire day was engrossed in school, even though we were done by 2 pm. Things started out okay today and our circle time and Bible lesson went well. Even math went well after that. But at about 9 am Josiah went downhill. He wouldn't stop crying and wasn't happy anywhere I put him. He was just tired from going to bed so late last night but what could I do? So he cried on and off for at least an hour. We had to get most of the school work done by 10:30 so we could leave for Explora, where the kids are taking a science class for home schooled kids. Things got better when we left. Abigail and Joshua went to their class and I took Chloe and Josiah to a playground. On the way home Josiah fell asleep and I just laid him down when we got home without lunch. We ate lunch and then finished school. The kids had rest time and I did my preparation for tomorrow during that time so I won't have to do it tonight. For a while this morning I was thinking...Can I still send them to school??? We invested some money in our homeschool curriculum but maybe we could return it??? What kind of learning environment is this anyway? A crying baby and tons of other interruptions, how can they be retaining anything we're working on? I cried a little bit. I think it's mostly because it didn't go so well and I don't have Bob here to help me work through it.
I just have to keep reminding myself that "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." And that I am serving my children and my family and I need to do it with a joyful heart. I'm sure that this experience is going to teach me more about grace and patience then it will teach my children about math and science.


Kacie said...

I hear you Susie! Our first week was not very fun for me or for Thomas- we were adjusting. Jonathan thought the whole thing was great!

I'll be praying for your adjustment (and Josiah's adjustment as well).

Edie Guess said...

You are going to do great and the kids are going to do great - no matter homeschooled or public schooled it is always (every year) an adjustment! you all will do great and you are soooo organized! way to go!

Fernando Solis Eguiza said...

El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin