Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The long and winding road...

Well we're not on that long and winding road back to Albuquerque just yet but we will be soon. We've had a great time in Florida so far! We spent last week with my friend Amy in Crestview. It was a wild week because she was in charge of VBS at her church but it was super fun and we managed to squeeze in a trip to the beach too. Now we're at my sister's house in Tampa. I went and picked up my mom today and she'll be with me until we get home, Praise the Lord for a buddy in the car!!! Now I can stop and go to the bathroom without having to get all the kiddos out! So tomorrow will be our last day of fun stuff and then it will be 3 grueling days of driving. We're all ready to be home even though it's been MOST FABULOUS to see everyone! The time has gone by so quickly, I feel as though we just started this crazy journey and here we are on our last leg of the trip. I think we're all ready to sleep in our own beds and get back to a normal schedule. It will be good to be home...

1 comment:

Mike & Susan said...

And...we're so glad you're coming home!!! We miss you guys!! Safe journey. We continue to pray for you.
Love ya.