Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday My Baby (he hates it when I call him that!)

Today my baby is 4 years old. It is embarrassing to say but I have a hard time remembering his birth. I know that it was raining and that Bob and I decided to stop at Subway on our way to the hospital, it was dinner time, and we knew once we got there we wouldn't have the opportunity to eat for a long time. So we checked in and I think for the most part they left us alone. I guess they figured we'd done this three times already, we didn't need a bunch of people standing around in the room with us. After having an epidural with Chloe that didn't work all the way I decided to pass on that and just go the no drug route again. One moment during the birth that I do remember quite clearly was when Josiah's head was crowning and I said (rather loudly, I think), "It's burning!!!" The nurse replied in a matter of fact sort of way, "It's the ring of fire." Fortunately for me it didn't last very long. Josiah came quickly, just like the others. It's funny, I'm remembering now that after the delivery they were cleaning up Josiah and the nurse was asking us if we had ever looked at the placenta. She lifted it up and was giving us an entire lesson on this amazing material that was so strong and yet so thin. I think Bob was fascinated and I was far more interested in seeing my baby than seeing my placenta.
Anyway, he was the sweetest little guy...not so little actually. He weighed 9 lbs 6 oz, exactly the same as his big brother! It's been strange lately as I watch him and think, "This is the last time we'll be doing this" (as we are not planning on having any more babies). Sometimes it feels sad and other times it is exciting.
Josiah has a funny little personality. He has been dubbed the slushie bandit because he knows how to use his good looks and the power of persuasion. He is our biggest fruit eater...the downside of that is when I find the pits of all the fruits he's been eating all over the house! UGH! He loves playing with his friends, especially Ellie, and when he knows a playdate is coming he will continually ask, "Is it Ellie day?" So sweet. My boy has always been a farm lover and John Deere enthusiast. I wonder how long this love will last?
The worst part about him being the youngest of four (for me anyway) is that it feels like he has grown up so quickly because he is always trying to keep up with the big kids. He rode his bike even earlier than Joshua and at this point is a master on the scooter. He knows how to navigate around on the computer too, which is so amazing to me! He definitely picks up everything the big kids do and just does it too. Some days it's hard to see my baby being such a big boy but mostly I'm excited...excited to see what kind of people all my children are becoming. What they like and dislike. What the excel at and what they struggle with. Mostly I pray that will continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that they will love Him the most in their lives. I pray this for Josiah and trust that my baby is in His hands.

Here's some pictures from Josiah's birthday lunch with daddy and his party with our friends Mrs. Katie, Ellie and Clar.

Lunch at the famous Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage in Harvard Square

After lunch, a visit to the Curious George toy store.

Here's the cake Josiah requested. We called it the "Over the rainbow" cake, which was fitting since it was such a rainy day today. I was surprised when he selected it over all the other ones we looked at...but after I thought about it I realized it was a cake covered with jelly beans and marshmellows...who could ask for more?

The birthday bunch!


Peggy said...

Happy Birthday, Josiah!!! We love you bunches! What a great birthday!

Katie L said...

Happy Birthday Josiah!

Summer said...

Happy Birthday Josiah! If you were here, I would give you a stick of butter and some sugar to dip it in! We miss you!