Thursday, October 1, 2009

Best Friends

My dear friend Barbie used to sing this little ditty to me and now it comes to mind when I see Josiah and Ellie together. I'm so thankful that some friends will be friends forever!

Best friends are friends forever and that's just what we'll be
cause I'll always be part of you and you'll be part of me.
If you were a little bee, I would be the buzz.
If you were a little peach, I would be the fuzz.
If you were a picture, I would be the frame.
And if you were nothing, I'd love you just the same.

Oh and here's a picture of Clar-Bear because he'll be a forever friend too!


Peggy said...

Too, too sweet!

Edie Guess said...

golly - Josiah and Ellie both look so big!