Friday, October 24, 2008

My Baby's not a baby anymore


and now.
Today my baby is 3 years old. It's so hard to believe. Little Josiah is growing up so fast and has changed so much recently. He has a great personality and is totally funny. For example, one of his favorite songs to sing right now is "Old McDonald had a farm. EIEIO. And on that farm he had a...BAZOOKA." Then he breaks out giggling. The other day he fell down and scraped his arm. There was no blood and I told him to be tough. He said, "I not be tough, I just be Josiah." He cracks us up!
Bob always takes the kids out to lunch on their birthday and the birthday kid gets to pick where they dine. When Bob asked Josiah where he wanted to go for special birthday lunch Josiah said, "PIZZA, PIZZA". Which means Little Caesars. So they went and grabbed a Hot and Ready and headed to a playground. They had a great time.
This evening we had macaroni and cheese and hot dogs for dinner per Josiah's request, followed by John Deere tractor cake and bubble gum ice cream. Josiah's best friend, Ellie, joined us for the festivities along with her parents. Our boy received some lovely gifts too but his favorite present was a John Deere tractor toy. Once he opened it that's all he could think about. :) Then we put in his new John Deere DVD and he was mezmorized.So happy birthday to my boy who is getting so big but will always be my baby!

Late addition: Bob's conversation with Josiah in the car when they were out to lunch. And yes, Bob is driving and taking this video at the same time! Tsk. Tsk!


Peggy said...

Happy Birthday, Josiah!!! We love you so very much. Hugs and kisses, Grammie and Poppy
PS - Love the cake, Sus!

Beek's Fam said...

Wow....Can't believe he's 3 already. How time flies by!!

Happy Birthday Josiah! Love, Uncle James, Aunt Julie and cousin Faith

jdotter5 said...

I enjoyed 'catching up' on your blog. Glad to hear school's going well. Understand the crazies very well myself! Can't believe that the 'babies' are 3 years old and Chloe is in K4! We miss you guys and hope to see you soon.
