Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blog Black Hole

You may think that I have recently been sucked into a blog black that I think about it maybe I have. You're probably sick of hearing how wacky things are here, but that's just what it is. It seems that each day before I know it the clock says (let me see what it says right now) 10:40 pm and I still have a million things to do. It's a good thing that I'm not a person who needs 8 hours of sleep every night!

So here's what you've been waiting pictures! :)
Here we are at the New Mexico State Fair. We had a good time enjoying the rides and seeing the animals and of course getting fair treats!

No need to ask what Josiah's favorite thing was. We could hardly get him off this little tractor once he was on. He has definitely become a full fledged John Deere lover (Cousin Jake and Uncle Leonard will be so proud!)

Getting up close and personal with the longhorns was a little intimidating, except for Joshua...he's our boy with no fear.
See what I mean! But look really close at his face...he might be a little nervous. :)

Some time ago I promised pictures of Joshua playing ball. It's probably time to get those up since he only has 2 games left in the fall season.
So here's our little slugger. He's done really great this fall playing machine pitch. The other boys on the team are 7 years old and Joshua really does play at the same ability level. What can we say...the kid's got talent! :) Who needs Pudge anyway...a few more years and Joshua can take his place. :)
I think I've told you about Pauly and Edgar in previous posts, but they've never been officially introduced. So here are our first pets. Joshua found Edgar at the botanical garden and we found Pauly at church. They are pretty easy to care for and don't make much of a mess so I think we'll let them stick around for a while. Here's Abigail headed off to a Princess Birthday Party. She's growing up so quickly!!!

I guess Chloe and I didn't make it into any pictures of our own so I'll throw those in for good measure. So I'll try to do better at posting...when things happen that are totally funny I am always thinking, "I absolutely have to blog that!" But then I just don't get around to it. Such is life. So much to blog little time.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Love the pictures! Thanks for blogging!!