Friday, October 3, 2008

I almost forgot to announce....

Josiah is a true big boy now....he wears "underwears", Thomas underwears to be exact. He kind of potty trained himself, which is good because I wasn't really that motivated to do it. After doing it 3 times I was in no hurry to start. But he just picked it up for everyone else and started going potty on the toilet. We got him some underwear and he's doing great!!! It helps that he hangs out with Ellie most days and she too is interested in going potty on the toilet. They cheer each other on and when one has to go the other usually decides they need to go too.
So this marks the end of the diaper bag era for me. Granted I still have to carry around extra clothes but it's very exciting to know that I can carry my own purse and nothing else if I don't want to! AMAZING!

1 comment:

The Overbeeks said...

Yay! That is great - we just finally got Anna trained after three different attempts. One day she had accidents all day - the next day she was accident free!! It seems that she suddenly decided to cooperate. It's been great having only 2 rather than 3 in diapers! I can't imagine the relief you must feel after 7 years of diapering at least one child!