Monday, January 14, 2008

My Sweet Friend

Recently we've been praying lots for my dear friend, Amy. She learned not so long ago that she has breast cancer. Last week she underwent surgery to remove the mass in her breast and now we are all waiting to hear what course of action will be next. Please join me in praying for this dear sister in Christ. We know that God is Sovereign in all situations and we are trusting that He will be glorified through this trial.


Barbara said...

Yes, Amy has been much on my mind & in my prayers.

I'm really thankful to hear how supportive her church & neighborhood have been.

Beek's Fam said...

Please tell Amy that she is in our prayers. She is such a great person. Keep us posted on things.

Edie Guess said...

I am praying for her!! May God give her peace, comfort and courage as she faces this trial and that God would indeed heal her.