Sunday, January 27, 2008

The heart of a 2 year old

Yesterday Josiah and I were sitting on the couch and he looked up at our family picture hanging on the wall and said, "miss daddy". I told him I miss daddy too.
It is his custom lately to come into my room early in the morning, before the other kids are up, and get in bed with me. This morning he climbed in on Bob's side and just laid there. I was sort of half awake laying next to him and I heard him whispering, "Daddy, Daddy". Then we both drifted back to sleep. Later I asked him if he was thinking about daddy. His response was, "Daddy...Stan" which is his pronunciation of Afghanistan. It's enough to break my heart and at the same time it amazes me that he really understands so much. He misses his daddy and knows that he's in some far away place called "Stan". I'm sure he won't remember any of this but it's obvious to me that he's not oblivious to the situation. He'll be so glad when his daddy gets back from Stan...and hopefully he won't have negative connotations connected with that name for the rest of his life.


Peggy said...

That breaks my heart! Josiah is in my prayers that he would be comforted as he waits for his daddy to return from 'Stan.

On a lighter note -- love the picture!

Summer said...

That is completely precious.