Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Boot Camp is killing me!

This month I decided to use my allowance to buy two new exercise videos: Fat Blasting Latin Dance Mix and Belly, Butt and Thighs Boot Camp. Let's just discuss the Latin Dance Mix first. I thought it would be fun and I thought the kids might like trying it with me. Well let me just say that I've tried it once (no kids around) and I think that anyone peeking in my window at the time probably got a cramp from laughter. I couldn't keep up and my hips certainly do not move like this girls. It's not to say that I won't try it again...and maybe I'll even get better at it. But until then there will definately be no observers, not even the little kind.
Concerning the Boot Camp video all I can say is, "WHOA"! This is seriously hard core. I made it through the entire video on Friday morning but I was hardly able to move for the last three days. My quad muscles were crazy sore!!! Now I'm afraid to do the video again. Will it be as bad as the first time? Or will it be not so bad because I've done it once? I just don't think I can handle that pain again. Maybe I can do it at a less intensive level. I'll let you know if and when I try it and what the result is.
Anyone out there have any exercise mis-hap stories? Or any videos that won't kill me but will give me a good work out???


Beek's Fam said...

I hear ya on the not being able to move for a few days! My friend and I just started doing The Biggest Loser Cardio workout and after the first time we were both sore and could hardly move! But the 2nd time around was not as bad. This morning will be our 3rd time doing it. I didn't think I was gonna be so sore and tired as we were doing TaeBo for 2 weeks before that. Boy was I ever wrong! Congrat's though on getting workout videos! They can be fun to do!

*love2scrap* said...

pilates dvd... did it one time in the privacy of my bedroom... couldn't move the next day... I tell you, exercising is bad for you :)