Monday, December 17, 2007


The day has finally come!!! My dear husband is HOME for Christmas! It's so great to have him back! The kids were so excited from the moment they woke up this morning and you should have seen their little faces when he walked off his plane. You couldn't scrub the smiles off!!! They had so much to tell him and wanted to be next to him at all times. It's going to be a most memorable Christmas for our family.

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's been a while

Been a while since I've seen my husband that is. And today I get to see him again! I'm off to Omaha to meet up with him for a few days and then he'll be coming home on Monday. The kids can hardly's been 6 months since they've seen their daddy. The song "I'll be home for Christmas" gets me misty eyed every time!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Cookie Extravaganza!

So I wanted to bake cookies with friends this year and when I mentioned it Mrs. B had a fabulous idea to use several kitchens and pair bakers up so we could put more ovens to use at one time. I thought the idea was great so we tried it out. There were 7 cookie bakers. We worked our magic in 3 different kitchens and then all came together at my house to swap. All the cookies turned out fabulously! I especially love the hazelnutty, chocolate dipped sandwich cookies! But they were all Martha worthy for sure! This is definitely a new tradition I'd like to carry on. :) Thanks friends for a wonderful day!!!!

My Little Elves

This is hilarious! Thanks Kiwi and Polkadot!!!