Saturday, November 7, 2009

A new or baseball?

Today was the beginning of the youth hockey program in Belmont. I knew that Joshua was going to do great because he picked up roller-blading so quickly. He was awesome! He started slow but he was strong and confident the entire time. The program is 2 hours every Saturday. They started right in with instruction and drills. They did that for an hour and took a break...except Joshua asked if he could stay out on the ice and practice. Then they did another hour of instruction and even after all the kids came off the ice Joshua was asking to stay on. They had to kick him off in the end because the zamboni was coming through! He really had a lot of fun and is already asking if he and Josiah can come to an open skate so he can teach Josiah about hockey. The down sides of takes about 20 minutes to get Joshua all geared up and then of course a few minutes afterwards to get everything off, which makes this about a 3 hour affair. The other 3 kids got a little bored. Also, unlike the first time I took Josiah to the rink, I brought our winter coats but even our feet started to get cold after a while. Next time the girls will wear their fuzzy boots. So I guess we'll have to get used to being penguins. At least for now Joshua can pursue hockey and baseball since the seasons don't overlap. I'm fine with it as long as he doesn't want to grow a mullet!

1 comment:

Mr. J said...

Dear Joshua,

I remember the first time you put on my hockey helmet last May, and now you've got a helmet, pads, skates, and stick of your own! It looks like you're a great skater already! Keep up the good work.

Mr. J