Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Joshua

I should have known from birth that Joshua was going to be the sports kid in the family. After all, I was in labor (contractions 2 or 3 minutes apart) and Bob told me that he just had to play flag football...they were counting on him to be the quarterback that night. I reluctantly said ok and off we went to the field. He played, they won and then my mom had to go tell him to stop chatting with the guys because this baby was ready to come cheer for his daddy too! Joshua was born a short time later. Joshua recognized his athletic beginning and is following in his daddy's footsteps. Note to self--warn his future wife of possibility that she may have to labor through sports events if she marries my son. Joshua just excels at all things sports and we are very proud of his accomplishments. What's better is that he also excels in school. He has become an excellant reader and does a great job in math and science as well. He has started taking piano lessons this year too and is progressing well in that (although what he really wants to learn is the guitar). And most importantly Joshua has the desire in his heart to please God with his life. He has made several requests to profess his faith and become a member of the church. Although we think that he needs to have a deeper understanding of what that means, we are very encouraged by this and pray that he will continue to seek to glorify God with all he does and says.
In the end I just have to say that I am blessed to be Joshua's mom and I am so thankful for my boy! Happy Birthday Buddy. I love you!

**I have a really funny video of us singing happy birthday and Joshua blowing out his candles but can't get it to upload right now. I'll try again later. :)

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Happy Birthday, Joshua! We love you so much! Love the pose!