Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm so confused!!!

Anyone who reads my facebook updates knows that I've been struggling with my weight in the last year. I know I obsess about it way too much, sorry you have to put up with my rants. But I have just been so frustrated and now I can add confusion to that too. You see I started looking for more information online about new ways I should tackle this monster in my closet. I've been pretty dedicated to a low-fat diet for quite a while now. I eat light wheat bread, drink Krystal Light and LOTS of Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi, and I absolutely LOVE spray butter. Oh and I always get the skinny latte at Starbucks and sweeten with splenda.
So last night I'm reading that sugar is my enemy, I should cut out wheat flour and that all my chemical low-fat/no-fat sprays (such as butter and salad dressing) and the artificial sweeteners may actually be holding me back from losing weight instead of helping. The other day I heard Dr. Oz say that a teaspoon of sugar only has 15 calories so he thinks it's better to go for a teaspoon of the real stuff in your tea than the artificial sweeteners. But then sugar is my enemy, right????? And then I read that using real butter (in limited amounts) is better for you because you actually NEED some good fats in order to burn bad fats. And this issue with flour...I'm not so sure about this. I went out today and bought a loaf of "Sprouted Flourless Whole Wheat Berry Bread". I had a slice of it for lunch with tuna on it. It was fine that way but I wouldn't say that I loved it or anything.
Anyway, I'm just not into the whole organic scene but that seems to be the way the pendulum is swinging these days. The problem is that there are so many different methods that one can drown in a sea of weight loss and healthful eating experts.
So today I did not use spray butter on my high fiber english muffin, I used a tiny bit of real butter. And I have not had any diet pop (not even one!!!) but I did put splenda in my tea (I couldn't help it). I ate one slice of my flourless bread with my tuna and (brace yourselves) some raw broccoli, like a whole bowl full (and my gag reflex only kicked in twice)! Anyone who knows me well will understand the significance of that! For dinner tonight we're having fish and I made myself a baked sweet potato. I guess I'll put just a smidge of butter on it along with salt & pepper and see how that goes. I will probably eat an apple later followed by my standard bag of fat free microwave popcorn but I plan on skipping the spray butter (that's gonna be tough).
Ok so if you have any advice or suggestions for me I welcome all the help I can get. I'd really love to go back to drinking my diet Pepsi and using my spray butter and artificial sweeteners but I have a feeling those days will have to come to an end.

Good-bye DWCP. I will miss you my friend!


Katie L said...

I'm no expert, obviously, and I think most of the mystery has to do with metabolism-- how can you feed your body so that it burns calories for you all day long. But if you're trying to replace the artificial stuff, I can highly recommend making popcorn on the stovetop with popping corn and oil. It's not as low point as the low fat popcorn, but it tastes more like movie theater popcorn to me but way healthier. For a big batch, I use 3 Tbs canola oil and 1/3 cup popping corn. Cover and cook on medium heat until the kernels stop popping. It doesn't take too much longer than microwave, and has three identifiable ingredients (if you add salt, which I say is a must) instead of however many are in microwave popcorn. Also, WOW I'm so impressed that you're giving up diet "pop" and that you ate a whole bowl of raw broccoli. With that kind of dedication, I know you'll figure things out and be where you want to be!

Katie L said...

Also, maybe next time I have this much to say, I should just call you.

abqsuez said...

wow, you're saying goodbye to DWCP! That's your trademark drink! I think of you every time I have one (which was today). I believe there is truth to what you've read though. I'm not a fan of artificial sweeteners and I think we should be more aware of how much of it we're ingesting. It's in so many foods! It's hard to regulate the real sugar once I get a little taste of it (i.e., brownies!).

I thought of doing the "whole foods" diet. That was the last diet that really worked for me but the food was expensive since I did have to shop at Whole Foods. That was before Trader Joe's though. I used the book "8 minutes in the morning by Jorge Cruise" and lost all my baby (Megan) weight and then some. I was also doing aerobics 4-5 a week. It's a very healthy diet. I still have the book and I think I'll have to try it again.

The NS hasn't been working for me and I've actually have gained in the last few weeks adding to the 25 pounds I already want to lose. On NS, I eat about 1100 calories a day which is fine for a few days but then I go nuts and eat whatever I want because I'm starving and bored with the NS food. I signed up for the calorie counter on ( and it said I should be eating 1600 calories a day to lose weight.

I wonder if the family revolt if I start buying spelt bread?

Heather said...

Susie, I'm glad to have found your blog!

Food, weight, etc have always been a major hang up for me...even without ever having been overweight. My hope is someday to have a healthy enough relationship with food and my body that I just eat good things (whole grains, fruits, veggies, protein, dairy - and some desserts, I mean, let's be realistic) when I'm hungry and not other times! My major sins are thinking about food so much and envying other people's waistlines.

So I've been thinking about trying to pray regularly about those things and watch God work. I'm becoming convinced that whatever I try to do on my own will fail; because the minute I try to eat better or less or not be jealous - all I can do is think about eating, eat more, and increase my obsession! What do you think? I have to believe God could change this area of my life. What about you? Wanna pray for each other?!

Heather said...
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Missie said...


I use the WW method to lose weight, even when I don't always count the points and it works very well for me! It doesn't cut out ALL the foods that you're used to and you could still drink your DWCP!!!! Their website will give you lots of helpful hints as well.

When I was heavier and had a lot more weight to lose I was talking with my doctor on a regular basis and he said that all of the artificial sweeteners are NOT at all good for you and should only be used in moderation. He basically said the same thing that Dr. Oz said, that a small amount of the real sugar is better than the splenda's and equal's. Just a thought! I hope that this helps, and I know that you will do great in your quest to reach your goal! Keep up the good work!!!!

Anne said...

Hi, Susie! I found your blog address on FB and came to check it out! Your family is beautiful. :)

As for weight, I totally struggle in that area, too. I don't have any good advice, but just can say that I feel your pain! :)

When I have lost weight in the past it has been on Weight Watchers, so I can add to the recommendation of a previous poster. It is a very do-able program and nothing is off-limits as long as you keep track of points (the points aren't as complicated as they may seem at first).

Anyway, I'm glad to have found your blog and hope you're doing well!

And Family said...

Hey Susie--drifted onto your page and was interested in your post. I know you're SUPER busy, but once you get settled into your place in MI, get the book, Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Heavy reading but well worth it. Best of luck in what sounds like will be a very crazy busy week! Noell