Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I remember the day you were born...

That was then.....

This is now.....

6 years ago today my little Chloebear was born. I remember that it was Sunday and we had lunch at the Pastor's house. It must have been painfully obvious that I was ready to be done being pregnant because the pastor's wife suggested that I drink some castor oil to see if we could get labor going. It sounded good to me, but I didn't exactly know what castor oil was for. We stopped at Meijer on the way home and I picked some up. Put Abigail and Joshua to bed and I drank my concoction of castor oil and orange juice. It was TERRIBLE!!! But...after 4 hours of unpleasantries I started having contractions. Bob and I went to the hospital in the middle of the night. The doctor, who happend to be the same guy that delivered Joshua, wanted to make sure that I was really in labor and told us to walk around the hospital for a few hours and they'd check again later. We saw every inspirational poster in the place. When we finally went back to the labor floor they checked me and sure enough I had progressed enough to prove that this was it. After 2 completely natural births I decided I was ready to try an epidural. Unfortunately for me it didn't take on one side and I felt totally gyped. They finally got me all numb just as it was time to push, what a waste of a needle in my back. When Chloe came out the cord was wrapped around her neck but it was really short and the doctor couldn't get it off. She was a little purple and we didn't hear her cry right away. It was very scary for those first several moments. Bob had a very worried look on his face and he was just praying. The doctors did what they do best and Chloe's apgar was totally normal the second time they did it.
We are so thankful for our Chloebear. She has this snuggly little way about her and people just fall in love with her. That could cause some trouble in about 10 years. Good thing she'll have Joshua and Josiah to be watching out for her. Chloe loves to play with baby dolls and stuffed animals. She always has purses and bags filled with stuff that she feels the need to carry around with her. She has a sweet spirit mixed with a little mischief and spunk. :) She is the special gift that God gave us 6 years ago and it is my privilege to be her mama.

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