Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back to the new normal

We are back from our 2008 summer road trip. We are definitely feeling the double edged sword of vacation. It's that thing that happens when you are waiting so long to see people you love dearly and then the time comes and you have so much fun and then it's over too quickly and it's kind of depressing to think that you won't see them again for a whole year. And on top of that you have to go home and unpack, catch up on laundry, get your house back in order and go back to work. We are certainly thankful for the opportunity we had to see our friends and family, but it really felt way too short! So I had an idea, I'm going to try to convince Bob to start working on inventing the Star Trek Transporter so we can see our friends and family any time we want!!!

So Bob is back to work and I am gearing up for my job teaching 4th grade. I am pretty excited now that it's getting so close. But it will definitely take some getting used to for the entire family. I haven't worked outside the home since Abigail was a baby so we'll be trying to figure out how to keep the house running in an orderly fashion and juggle 3 different Little League teams and piano lessons. I'm guessing that it's going to be a circus for a few months but I suppose we'll get it figured out and get into a groove...I hope.

As soon as Bob gets the pictures from vacation on the computer I'll throw some up for your viewing pleasure. :)

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I'm all for the Star Trek transporter!! Beam me up, Scotty! Sounds like you had a wonderful time, can't wait for pictures.