Saturday, January 12, 2008

How could four years have gone by so quickly?

Can it really be that my sweet Chloebear is 4 years old today? It just seems like yesterday that I was totally swollen (everywhere) laying on the couch at Pastor Charles and Connie's house not feeling too great; when Connie suggested that I drink castor oil. On the way home we decided to stop and get some to give it a try. It was still a week before my due date but I don't put much stock in due dates and I was ready! So we went home, got Abigail and Joshua into bed, and I made a castor oil and orange juice cocktail. It was the worst thing I've ever had to drink! Seriously, it was so hard to get down and I knew what was coming after that (you do know what castor oil does to you, right?) but it was worth it. After a few hours of running to the toilet I started having contractions. At 1 am I woke Bob and asked him if he was ready to meet his baby girl. When we got to the hospital I was dilated to 4 or 5 cm but the doctor (who just so happened to be the guy who delivered Joshua) told us to take a walk and come back in a few hours to see if I was really in labor. We walked every hallway of that hospital and then went back to labor and delivery and sure enough...I was still in labor...HELLO!
After two totally natural births I decided I was ready to check out this epidural thing and wouldn't you know it, it didn't work completely. I could still feel my contractions on my right side. I was so disappointed! The good news is that the epidural didn't slow things down and after only a few minutes of pushing our little Chloe arrived. However she did give us a bit of a scare. The cord was wrapped around her neck but it was really short so the doc couldn't get it off her. When she was all the way out, she was a bit on the purple side and she didn't cry. It was the longest few minutes of our lives and I'll never forget the worried look on Bob's face. But the pediatricians did their thing and everything ended up being fine.
And all of a sudden she's 4 years old. Doing things like riding bikes, painting, playing games on the computer, and spelling her name. Who knows what she'll be doing next! I'm so thankful for my sweet little Chloe. :)

1 comment:

Beek's Fam said...

Hope you had good birthday Chloe! We love you and miss you!

Uncle James, Aunt Julie and Faith