Monday, February 9, 2009

I just love Tent Rocks!

Family outing #2 was Tent Rocks. The kids and I went with my friend Barb while Bob was gone and we decided that we just had to come back after he got home. We just never got around to it so finally on Saturday we made the trek.
Tent Rocks is a national monument in NM. They say the rock structures were formed from flowing lava. They are so cool. We took the 1.2 mile hike to the point. Josiah ended up getting tired and I ended up carrying him some. Let me just say that carrying 42 lbs of boy while hiking a mountain is no easy task. I definitely burned a few calories that day!
The view from the top was beautiful. We spent some time up there having a snack and just taking it all in.
Everything was going so well...then Abigail tripped and fell and cut her finger. We made it down with no further injury. Then we ate our lunch at a picnic table at the bottom. We were just finishing up and Josiah tripped on the cement slab that the picnic table was on and landed on his face. He cut his lip pretty bad, got a black and blue nose (I suppose it could be broken), and cut his eyebrow. And we were so close to getting out of there with only minor injuries. What can you do? We got some ice for Josiah's lip and we're hoping that his nose won't have a funny bump now. Oh well, it'll just add character (like he needs any help in that department).

Stay tuned for the next New Mexico adventure!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Fabulous pictures, Sus!!!