Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Fly Lady would not be proud

Did you ever have one of those days when you have to unload your dishwasher at night so you could immediately re-load it with the dishes that have filled your sink all day long? I just did that...tisk, tisk. So un-Fly Lady of me
However, I must clarify that I didn't get to the dishes because I decided that it was "Special Kids Day". We went to gymnastics, Owl Cafe for lunch, haircut for Abigail, and then clothes shopping at Walmart. It may have been a bit much for Josiah but I think overall it was a success! We capped off the day with a viewing of "Mary Poppins" in our PJ's. Maybe I'll have to leave the dishes more often...

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day -- one that you all enjoyed. Even the Fly Lady must let things go sometimes in order to do what's important...spending time with your kids.