Thursday, March 1, 2007

Boys will be boys

We've all heard the saying a million times. It's just there are days when I wonder if my two boys got an extra dose of boy-ness. For example, last night at church Joshua decided to stick a bead in his ear during craft time. When I asked him why he did it he said, "I thought it would be fun." Thankfully we went to the doctor today and he was able to remove the bead without any damage to Joshua's ear. Several months ago he put Cheerios up his nose. The first time he did it we were able to blow it out. But then he tried it again and sniffed it up too hard and we couldn't get it out. I thought it would just dissolve up there. Then there's the jumping and flipping and "tricks" that he does. It's hard to get him to stop, kind of Tigger-ish I suppose. His energy just doesn't end. And Josiah is no different. I have learned that every chair around the table must be pushed in at all times. One morning I found the little guy standing on the table dumping out all the other kids' orange juice and stomping in it. And if the bathroom door is open you can guarantee he will be in there with his hand in the toilet. Yesterday he was jumping on the furniture and got a little overzealous. Needless to say he went over the arm of the chair and banged his head on a toy truck. Oh and just this morning he discovered he could climb the ladder to the bunk beds but then fell off and got a bloody lip.
I'm sure that some of you fellow mothers of little boys are nodding and laughing because your guys have done the same things. Is this phenomenon explained by testosterone? At this point I don't have any delusions that these daring and curious behaviors will end in the near future. For now I'll have ice packs ready in the freezer and the phone number to urgent care on speed dial.


Jennifer said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Susie! I'm so glad you're blogging now.

You know, working in the nursery, I have been wondering if Josiah is an accurate model of what I should expect should God ever bless us with a little boy. If so, I know I'm going to have LOTS of fun and LOTS of exhaustion. :)

Kelly said...

the mental picture of josiah standing on the table with the cereal and oj made my day! thanks!!