This summer has been one for the books. I'm not sure if I'll remember it more because so much happened...or if I'll have a harder time remembering it because it was so crazy (mommy's sometimes repress stressful memories). Only time will tell.
My last post on 4th of July seems like a lifetime ago. Since then we took a trip to Dayton, had a house FULL of live-in campaign volunteers (who were a tremendous help and I'm very thankful for, but it made for some tight quarters in the bathroom for 11 people!), visited Saginaw, took a road trip to Albuquerque, helped Bob finish up the campaign, and took a trip to Iowa to spend time with my extended family! WOW! Even now Abigail is having another adventure in Florida getting Grammie and Poppi all to herself! I think the kids will have plenty to say when their teachers ask, "What did you do this summer?"

Our visit to Dayton: After long days of playing the kids crashed and watched a movie

Days in Albuquerque

The sprayground was finikie that day but it came on long enough to get wet.

Kate didn't mind being the baby and Abigail and Chloe didn't mind being the mommies...a perfect combination!

We had a wonderful time with our buddies from school. The mommies even got to see a live Star Wars show! Fabulous!

Miss Susan took the kids to see the ponies up the road

This could have been disasterous...Miss Susan to the rescue!

Love this picture!

Doesn't look like Chloe objected much to being squirted.

Joshua taking you to the Gun Show!

Miss Margaret with the kids who would cooperate for a picture.
What a wonderful time we had seeing all our friends. I'm so glad we took the trip. Of course it seemed WAY too short but we are thankful for the time we had!
Stay Tuned.
One Crazy Summer To Be Continued...
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