Thursday, May 13, 2010

She is worth far more than rubies

Mother's day came and went in usual whirlwind fashion and I didn't get a chance to put up pictures from the Mother's Day tea that I got to attend with Joshua and Chloe at school. Finally I sit down to share the pictures with you and tell you about the cute things they said and I started thinking about my mother and about other women who have been like a mother to me and I am suddenly overcome with emotion. I am just so thankful to have a mom who is so supportive, encouraging, loving and generous. She's amazing, no seriously AMAZING! I love my mom...I wish I was more like her. She is kind and patient and a great listener and when you need her she is ALWAYS there for you. My one wish for my relationship with my own daughters is that some day they will feel about me what I feel about their Grammie. I love you mom!
Not only have I been blessed with the greatest mom in the world, the Lord has brought other women into my my life who have provided wise counsel, friendship and have treated me like their own daughter. It's amazing to reflect back and see how God used these relationships to shape who I am now. Joette, Bonnie, Mama Rood, Ellen, Kathy, Margaret, Susan and others....I am so thankful for the blessing of having them in my life. They are worth far more than rubies.

Now for my own Mother's Day...I got to attend a tea put on by the kindergarten thru second grade classes at school. Chloe made a hat and Joshua made a tie for the occasion. They sang songs and recited Bible verses. Joshua's class each took a letter to spell out "Happy Mother's Day" and each child said something about there mother that started with their letter. Joshua had the letter "T". He said, "T is for talented. My mom is talented..." (I was thinking, oh, how sweet. He thinks I'm talented.) he went on, "...when she does the wash." Well, at least he thinks I'm good at something! :) Abigail made a picture collage of my favorite hobbies. She included cooking, swimming, shopping and texting (a sign of the times OR the sign of a bad mommy?). What can I say...I text. :) Josiah gave me a special card he made himself and a little plant he grew himself and from Bob I got tulips. I had a lovely mother's day and even though it's supposed to be a day for mother's to be celebrated it reminded me how thankful I am to be a mother!

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