Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy First Day of School

This post may be a bit confusing to those of you who knew that we were planning on homeschooling the children this year. Always keeping in mind one of Bob's favorite Air Force sayings, "Flexibility is the key to Air Power" we have changed the plan. We actually started the video program that we had planned on using and we did for a while. However, in the end we did not feel that it was engaging, it was actually rather boring, and we didn't think the kids were going to get everything out of it that they should. We took everything into consideration and decided to put them in school.
So this morning Abigail and Joshua started and Chloe will have her first day of kindergarten on Friday. Everyone was very excited. The school is very close and we can walk. Even daddy was able to join us this morning which was a special treat! It is actually his first day of school too. His fall classes begin today and he too is very excited!
All this means that Josiah and I will be able to spend our days together and I am very much looking forward to that!

1 comment:

Edie Guess said...

I am really excited for you and Josiah and for Chloe, Abigail and Joshy! Miss you guys!