Saturday, July 5, 2008

I never thought I'd do it...

I've been battling diaper rash for 7 years now. Some times I feel as if I'm winning the battle and other days I feel defeated. I have tried most of the products out there for a long time I was satisfied with Balmex but I felt so bad when I would rub it on some very red and sore buns and my Little would cry from the pain of the zinc oxide. It was almost too much for a mama to bear. So then I'd switch over to the brown and greasy A&D which has a funny smell but doesn't make them cry. I've been a user of powder and even used plain old corn starch a time or two.
Recently we were out to dinner with some friends and somehow our dinner conversation turned to diaper rash cream and we got to talking about "Boudreaux's Butt Paste" (honestly I can't remember how 4 adults out to dinner with no kids got to talking about this issue). I've just never tried it because it's called Butt Paste, it was a matter of principal, especially now that I have readers in the house who will get great joy out of saying the name of the product over and over again. But my friend pointed out that this particular product was French. He admitted that they had never actually used the product either but he personally thought it was cool. The conversation convinced me to try it on some sore buns that showed up recently at our house and let me tell's not stinky or sticky and IT WORKS! I love it. Except for the fact that you only get a tiny tube for same price as the big tube of Balmex if it clears up red buns and doesn't make anyone cry I'm going to keep buying it. Now I just have to figure out how to keep my big kids from seeing it!


Peggy said...

How about covering it with duct tape? Too funny! I can just hear the giggles.

Unknown said...

I LOVE the Butt paste! I had to use it for Laura, when nothing else would work. Eve has read it, and has giggled, but knows to call it the "diaper cream". SO, it hasn't been an issue. The funniest thing is that one time, I forget the exact reason, the butt paste had to be given from Ryan to Jeremy at a Deacon meeting- the guys had a lot of fun with this!

*love2scrap* said...

Dang, Susie - I wish I had known about your dilemma earlier. I have been a proud user of Butt Paste for 6 years - since Jack. Mathias wants to use it whenever he sees the uh, 'hem-roid' cream on the counter and thinks he missing out on some unknown ointment fun. He gets out the butt paste and I dab it on.