Sunday, February 10, 2008

I know, I know...

It's been over a week since I posted. Sorry. It's been a weird week I guess. Now I can't really think of why but anyway I guess I just didn't feel like doing it. It's funny because there are usually several times during any given day that I think..."oh this would be a funny thing to blog about." But in the end most of those things slip my mind by 7:30 pm when the kiddos are finally asleep and I'm working on laundry or just trying to unwind. I think it was last Saturday that I was ready to put the kids to bed and it was only 4:30 in the afternoon. It was just one of those rough days that you just wish would come to an end.
I'm thankful though because Bob's mom is here this week and my friend Barb is coming on Friday and staying almost 2 weeks, so I'll have a buddy around for the rest of the month. It's good to have a fresh body in the house...someone who is excited about being with the kids and eager to play with them. I find that I get so caught up in everything that needs to get done that I don't have much time left for fun. And sometimes I'm just drained and it's just not fun. So it's good, good that we will have help for the next few weeks and then only a few weeks left to go!

Well, I hear little whispers, which means that there's a little mouse sneaking around the house who is supposed to be in bed. Gotta go!

1 comment:

Karmyn said...

Hey Susie,
We haven't met yet - but I do enjoy reading your blog and hearing about the family! Thanks for the family picture and Christmas letter you sent our way! I look forward to meeting you and the kids sometime in the future!

Karmyn Bokma (Ben's wife)