Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th with friends

Chloe is such a girlie girl. She said she was ready to go fishing...complete with sequin purse, fingerless, full length gloves and shades. She's SO Hollywood!

Turns out brothers are good for something...taking the fish off your hook!

The little one makes me so nervous!

Notice the feet.

Gorgeous sunset! Those blue stripes were even more amazing in person!

Our good friends Barb and Dan invited us to spend 4th of July at their cottage. The kids and I had such a fun time swimming, fishing and playing! Abigail and Joshua even got to drive the golf cart...well that is until Joshua backed it into a tree and then Mr. Dan said we needed to be done with the driving lesson. The fishing was fun too. Both Joshua and Abigail caught fish. Josiah didn't get anything but he really loved it and I was amazed at how quiet and still he was while waiting to see if a fish was going to bite! He is still trying to talk me into buying him his own pole. He saw some kid's poles at Target a while ago and hasn't forgotten. Chloe had a ball playing with Barb & Dan's son James. She just loves entertaining little people and they love her! The fireworks were nice but it was hard to concentrate on them because the boys were break dancing in front of us to the music some other folks were playing. Joshua and Josiah didn't watch the fireworks at all...they just boogied on the beach the entire time. The adults enjoyed the bon fire after all the kiddos were in bed. It was a great way to spend the holiday weekend! We can't wait to visit Barbie and Dan's cottage again! I hope you had an enjoyable 4th of July too!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

i hate to say it, but my feet looked like joshua's until just a few minutes ago when i took a shower. 3 days of camping with no showers will do that to you.

glad y'all had a good 4th!