Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Memories 2009

This is my chronological photo documentation of Christmas.

It all began on Saturday, December 19. We had "Early Christmas" at home; I even made monkey bread to make it really feel like Christmas.

We got Mario Kart for some family fun. The boys tried it out and discovered that it is a little tricky and we'll need some practice learning how to get the cars to go in the right direction. :)

I included this not because it's a great picture of me...only because it is literally the only photo taken in the entire two weeks that includes me! Isn't that how it always is?

Josiah got his own shaving kit for Christmas. Bob gave him some pointers and now he's a pro! He remembers to shave everyday...can't say as much for his daddy!
This is what happens to little boys when they stay up late the night before Christmas and then expend a great deal of energy opening their presents. Couldn't even stay awake long enough to eat his monkey bread...don't worry it didn't go to waste. I ate it. :)
Here we are at Bob's parent's house on Christmas Eve. We enjoyed some yummy pizza and had fun playing with Uncle James and Cousin Faith.
As always we observed the Dutch tradition of eating our chocolate letters on Christmas Eve. Joshua had his devoured in about 10 minutes. Yummy goodness.

I just love this picture of Abigail and Bob. People have been telling us how much she looks like him since birth but I REALLY see it in this shot.
Christmas day after attending church with Bob's parents. We've found that if we let the kids pose for a wacky picture....

...then they do better for the real one!

We enjoyed a nice Christmas dinner and then it was time for shenanigans with Uncle James!
We rounded out our time in Grand Rapids with some shopping, bowling and a visit to the children's museum...and I forgot to bring the camera. Then we headed to Kalamazoo and spent time with our dear friend Barb and her family and also with Chuck and Kathy and their family. Finally we said good bye to Bob, who is staying in Michigan for the month of January, and headed down to Dayton for New Years. The children were ecstatic to see their buddies and had a wonderful time! Joshua and Keith figured out how to get connected on their DS's and played lots of games together.

Ok totally wacky...Tracy and I bought these sweaters for the girls completely independent of each other. Even matched up the right color for the right buddy. When we discovered what we had done Jeremy's only comment was, "scary." :)
Best Friends Forever!
New Year's Eve festivities!

After the kids went to bed on NYE I enjoyed playing some euchre with our friends (no one in Boston plays euchre!) Got to bed way to late but enjoyed every second (only thing missing was my honey). New Years Day I set out on my journey home. 1 mom, 4 kids (including 1 that was puking), snow flurries, engine light turned on....but in the end we made it safely. The bad news is that the check engine light was indicating a serious problem and my mini is now getting a major repair. The good news is that it is completely covered by the warranty and the dealer gave me a loaner until it is done.
Praising God for all the many ways He blessed our family this Christmas! And wondering what He has in store for us in 2010.
Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!

1 comment:

abqsuez said...

Great photos susie! I can relate to your solo mommy pic and am impressed that you showered!! We played spades the other night and I thought of you guys. Happy New Year!!