Monday, September 14, 2009

Josiah's thoughts

Josiah has been thinking a lot about Albuquerque recently. Here are a few of our conversations:

Josiah: Remember our flat house?
Me: (thinking...hmmm, flat house?)
Josiah: Yeah, this house has stairs but the other house was flat.
Me: Oh, yes I remember.
Josiah: Can we go back to that house?
Me: Well, somebody else lives there now.
Josiah: We can switch!

A few days later,,,
Josiah: Remember the house at the circle
Me: (cul-de-sac = circle) Yes
Josiah: I miss that house.
Me: What do you miss about it?
Josiah: (quiet for a moment) Ellie.
Me: (thinking..ah, he's so sweet)
Josiah: She's my best friend. She loves me.

Yesterday as we are getting ready for church:
Josiah:Remember our old church
Me: Yes
Josiah: Can we go to that church today?
Me: No, it's too far away.
Josiah: We can drive.
Me: We would be really late for the service.
Josiah: I want to...I want Miss Linno to be my teacher!

So my dear friends in Albuquerque I hope you know how much we love you and that we're all missing you very much!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Those are deep thoughts for a little person! We're thinking of you, Josiah, and praying you'll find new friends in Boston who love you as much as Ellie does.