Sunday, March 15, 2009

The quest

Last night was date night and as usual we wanted to end the night with a little treat. I had my heart set on a Sonic Blast with peanut butter cups and whip cream. Bob was going to get a Blast for himself and then saw the McDonald's sign and thought he'd rather go for a Shamrock Shake, it is only a few days before St. Patty's Day after all. So we pulled up to the drive through and Bob asked if they had Shamrock Shakes. The young man on the other end of the speaker said, "Shamrock, what? What's that? Never heard of it." Bob started explaining that it was a green, minty shake that McDonald's sold in the month of March. The young man then asked, "Are you from America?" This really got us laughing. Are we really so out of the loop that we didn't know that Shamrock Shakes are extinct and the next generation knows nothing about them? How can this be? The young man ended the conversation with a polite, "Sorry, Dog." and we left feeling terribly disappointed, although somewhat amused.
Upon our arrival home, we shared the story with our friend Tim, who was reading in our house while our children slept. He had also never heard of the infamous Shamrock Shake, although he admitted that he never eats at McDonalds. This is just wacky!
So what I want to know is...have you ever heard of the Shamrock Shake? And if you live in Albuquerque, do you know of a McDonalds that is selling them?


Jill said...

Yep, I remember the Shamrock shake. Didn't know it was extinct!

Mrs. Overbeek said...

I don't think they are actually extinct...just not readily available in all regions of the US.

serina said...

maybe it's an out west thing? i think i've had shamrock shakes sometime in the past few years out here in the midwest.


Linnea said...

Yes! I love Shamrock shakes. They always have them in the midwest, but I don't know about out here in Hickville, Virginia. Maybe I'll have to go out tonight to find one... I am pregnant afterall, so I have an excuse!

Beek's Fam said...

We have them here in Grand Rapids! Just had one on Sat night actually. Oh so yummy!

Justin said...

That's too bad. :( The Shamrock shake was a real treat this time of year and worth a few extra Weight Watchers points!

Katie L said...

Here's the thing. New Mexico is a weird place when it comes to franchises. When we got here, we learned the hard way that NM Blockbusters had never heard of "the end of late fees." I was in line at Dunkin Donuts next to a fellow transplant from New England who was very disappointed when they told her they couldn't take her Dunkins gift cards. Perhaps McDonalds-NM just hasn't gotten on board with the green minty goodness yet.

A & B said...

I did and have had the Shamrock Shake in Dover, Delaware! I didn't know it was extinct - but like all good things...