Wednesday, July 2, 2008

31 years and counting

Today is my 31st birthday. It was a good day. It started with a morning run, followed by play time and lunch with friends, more play time this afternoon, family time at the playground, Bob grilled up some yummy dinner and he and the kids made me a cake. On top of that Bob decided that I needed my favorite concoction at Cold Stone (can you guess what's in it?). After getting home and putting the kiddos to bed we spent time sitting outside talking and watching lighting strike over the mountains. Yes, it was a good day!
During my run this morning and I was thinking about the many ways I've been blessed over my 31 years.
  • Wonderful parents who love me
  • my big brother, who I still wrestle with when we're together
  • my big sister...all I can say is shenanigans live on
  • so many friends who have been rock stars in so many ways
  • awesome church families wherever we go
  • a husband who loves God and loves me
  • 4 children who brighten each day and present me with challenges that I never imagined
I could go on and on and still not recognize all the ways that God has filled my life with joy and gladness. I know that there is so much more to come and it's always exciting to see what will be next. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy, Happy birthday!