Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Recent Happenings

The annual church pig roast was on Memorial Day. Josiah couldn't wait for the tractor rides. He sat on the tractor and in the trailer for most of the day. He even got to drive, on Mr. Mike's lap that is.

While Josiah was having fun on the tractor Joshua, Abigail and Bob got very involved in the annual water gun fight. Here are all the soaked participants.

More exciting times...Bob thought the kids would enjoy rides around the cul-de-sac on the motorcycle. Joshua LOVED it (oh no!)
Chloe wasn't so sure about it.

Abigail thought it was pretty fun but she didn't want Bob to go too fast, that's my cautious girl.

Abigail had Grace spend the night for her birthday. They had a great time painting nails, putting on make-up and chatting until late at night.

For her birthday lunch with Daddy Abigail chose to go to the Macaroni Grill. She just loves the bread that they give you and the oil to dip it in.

1 comment:

Beek's Fam said...

Looks like you guys had a good time!!!