Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tent Rocks

Yesterday the big kids didn't have school so we decided to do something special, we went to Tent Rocks. It's these rocks that have been carved out of the mountains that are in the shape of tee pees. The drive was a little longer than we expected due to faulty directions on the internet. But we finally made it. We decided to do the longer hike to the top instead of the 1 mile loop...maybe we should have done the loop. It was rough on Josiah because he thought he could do it but there were many parts that I had to carry him, especially on the way down. This was no easy task. Carrying a 35 lb boy while trying to go down some steep areas was a challenge. But we made it and it was fun. Everyone loved the view at the top! It was quite breathtaking. I was very glad that I decided to invest in one of those kiddie harnesses (basically a leash) for Josiah because he was a little too eager to look down into the ravine from the top! I know guard rails would probably ruin the view but they would make this momma feel a little more safe up there. Regardless, we will definitely be taking Bob there when he gets home.

My friend Barb is visiting now and it's been great to have her here. The kiddos are having fun playing with her and I'm thankful for the extra set of hands and the company after the kiddos go to bed at night. After she leaves next week we only have 36 more days until Bob comes home...they can't go by quickly enough!!!


Megan said...

I love Tent Rocks! I can't believe you all did the longer hike. I rememeber that it was pretty killer!

Beek's Fam said...

Wow, Tent Rocks looks pretty awesome! Glad you had fun!

Peggy said...

What a view!! Sounds like you had quite the adventure.

Unknown said...

LOVE the pic with Josiah next to the "Pets on Leash" sign! That's classic. Well, we had the stomach flu this week, so pretty much the whole month someone has been sick here. We leave Sunday for our trip- if I don't talk to you before, I hope your visit with Barb continues to be great, and I will call when we get back. Love ya!